DPHI Company

DPHI Company

Subject: Providing engineering services in the field of industrial automation and also supplying industrial automation equipment

Province: Tehran

Address: No.54, Ramsar St., Somayyeh St., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 88 59 40 14 - 15

Fax: 021 - 88 59 40 13

More Information: Having a good track record in working with international reputable companies such as Omron-Yaskawa, Rittal, Phoenix Contact, Eplan ,TS Plzeň a.s.( ŠKODA TS a.s. ) and Müller Weingarten and about two decades of effective experience in the field of Industrial Automation has led us to establish the DPHI company. The shareholders of the company apply their knowledge and experiences in industrial automation in different branches of industry for achieving the company goals.
Supplying the local industries with high Quality products and competitive prices is the mission statement of DPHICO. , which everybody in the organization has to observe it.
Having a very good connection with decision makers of different industries in the country together with our access and contact with trustable and reputable international suppliers has made us unique as a trusted supplier in the market.

number of visits : 402
Date of Registration : 1400-03-12
Expiration date : 1404-03-15

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