Sanjesh Afzar Asia Co.

Sanjesh Afzar Asia Co.

Subject: Design and create equipment and software used in various industries - Manufacturer of Meter Test Equipment, Water Meter Remote Reading Modem, Power substation monitoring system, Optical probe, Electricity multi feeder logger, Electricity meter test and inspection

Province: Tehran

Address: 3rd Floor, No.8, 16th Street, Gandi st., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 42704 ، 021 - 88 79 99 14

More Information: Sanjesh Afzar Asia Co. is a registered company that started It`s work to design and create equipment and software used in various industries since 1999 with registration No. 156843 , It`s purpose was to create and develop a research and production organization to turn ideas into commercial products needed in the field of Power , Gas and Water systems . S.A.A Company in less than a year after registering itself turned Meter Test Equipment that was just an idea in Niroo Ministry into a commercial and common product. This Company has certificate of industrial activities in the field of design and production of the mentioned equipment with the registration No. 01/21488 and also has an invention certificate from registration and ownership of companies office with identification No. 26269.
At the present day Sanjesh Afzar Asia Company has sections of Commercial, Payment, Research and Development of Software, Support and After Sales Services with more than 80 Personal and Technical Expert taking part.
This company with the attitude of “belief in Iranian Might” and using the latest achievements in technologies and Engineering modern methods of the world, has chosen the satisfaction of its customers as the highest priority of tasks. Besides of success in the field of software and hardware this company expanded its services and the variety of its products. Representing products based on international standards and adapted with regional needs of the country is one of the important goals of this company.
Software section of S.A.A company has started its work since 2001 with very highly trained experts in the field of Analyzing Systems , Design , Programming and Customizing programs due to the needs of customers . These experts always worked hard to create competitive products with highest quality. Comprehending technology with creativeness has let us to turn your imagination and ideas into a product with adapted with universal standards, where your visions and capabilities can be competitive in the best way comparing to the universal products.
S.A.A company believes it can represent its services with highest quality, in the shortest period of time and with its low prices the products will always be a guarantee for our country`s industry, plus they are extremely technical to be competitive with foreign products, Also with more than 12 years of experience in support and aftersales services our goal was always to give services much more different than the others based on global standards.

number of visits : 448
Date of Registration : 1400-03-23
Expiration date : 1404-03-26

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