Nosaz Sanat Respina

Nosaz Sanat Respina

Subject: Designing, Manufacturing, Installation and Start-up of Poultry, Cattle, and Sheep Slaughter house Complex

Province: Tehran

Address: Nosaz Sanat Respina Company, the second kilometer of Jamalabad Road, after Parchin Square, Imam Reza (AS) Highway, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 36 34 36 01 ، 021 - 36 34 36 03 ، 021 - 36 34 31 44

Mobile: 0912 - 546 82 79 ، 0912 - 118 13 70

More Information: Nosaz Sanat Companywas established in 1985 with the Scope of Designing, Manufacturing, Installation and Start-up of Poultry, Cattle, and Sheep Slaughter house Complex, and also improvement of Hygiene level of processed final meat product.
Nosaz Sanat has become the number one producer and manufacturer of slaughter house complex in Iran and also exporter to Mid Asia, African and Middle East Counties. Nosaz Sanat proudly presents its Capability in 5 fields described below:
Poultry processing :
- Killing & de-feathering lines
- Automatic Evisceration lines
- Pre cooling lines
- Foot processing lines
- On line Sorting and packing lines
- Automatic offal transfer
Cattle & Sheep processing :
- 25up to 100/shift- Cattle, and Camel - Gravity feed system
- 100 up to 400/shift- Cattle, and Camel -Automatic process
- 250 up to 500/shift- Sheep, Goat, and Ostrich -Gravity feed system
- 500 up to 3000/shift- Sheep, Goat, and Ostrich –Automatic process
- De-boning , Cut up , and Packaging
- Head & Foot processing
- Gut processing
Protein Recovering System (Rendering plant) :
- Rendering plant for poultry waste Capacity 5 up to 60 ton/day (with out de-fating system).
- Rendering plant for Cattle & Sheep waste Capacity 5 up to 60 ton/day (with de-fating system)
- Rendering plant for Fish and Fish waste Capacity 5 up to 60 ton/day (with de-fating system).
- Rendering plant for processing Bones. Capacity 8 up to 40 ton/day
Waste Water Treatment :
- Physical Treatment equipment & accessories Capacity 80 up to 600 m3/day
- Chemical Treatment equipment & accessories Capacity 80 up to 600 m3/day
- Biological treatment equipment & accessories Capacity 80 up to 1200 m3/day
Refrigeration Systems :
- Ammonia tanks & pumps
- Evaporators for cold store & Blast freezers
- Evaporative condensers
- Cooling towers
- Ice makers

number of visits : 518
Date of Registration : 1400-04-30
Expiration date : 1404-05-04

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