Subject: A leading Iranian high frequency induction welding and heating equipment manufacturer
Province: Alborz
Address: No. 1448, Golchin I St., Golriz II St., after the second phase store, Ghazali Gharbi Blvd., Eshtehard Industrial Town, Karaj - IRAN
Phone: 026 - 37 77 30 33
Fax: 026 - 37 77 55 80
More Information: Shahab Induction Company, founded in 1999, started its enterprise as a leading Iranian high frequency induction welding and heating equipment manufacturer. Our innovations in the field include technological breakthroughs in tube induction welding, catheter tube tip forming, and surface hardening. In 2004 SIC obtained patent approval certification from the Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST). The company has ever since continued on a steady course of developing research and optimizing products: in 2009 we were honored to receive the International Trophy for Quality from the Trade Leaders’ Club, and in 2013 we succeeded in getting our products certified to ISO (International Organization for Standardization). SIC received ISO 9001: 2008. ISO 14001: 2004, and OHSAS 18001: 2007. All rights to technical science, machine design and manufacturing techniques of the products are reserved for the SIC.
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