Mehran ind.& Mfg Co.

Mehran ind.& Mfg Co.

Subject: Production of anti dust masks - Production of bag filter, cages & venture

Province: Tehran

Address: No. 8, Eighth East Boostan, Estakhr St., Tehranpars St., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 77 06 44 28 - 29 ، 021 - 77 06 56 03

Mobile: 0912 - 839 58 43

More Information: Mehran industrial & producing company has started its activity in field of production of anti dust masks in 1985 with motive health & work safety with relying on God, effective management & experience personal. This company continue its activity in field of production of bag filter, cages & venture in 1999 with motivate having sky cleaning & long life for social people.Our achievement during recent 27 years is to 8 production wich in many cases are production are not only competitive qualitatively but also they are better than similar types of foreign production.We have many years experience in associate with many industrial larg & small factories like cement, flour, plaster, steel, petrochemical, tire, pharmacy, powder & etc.
Products :
- Sieve Sleeve, Filter Bags, polyamide filter, Roll Filter, Three Layers Masks, cages(basket)
- Venturi, V - bags, Cartridge Filter, pelted filter, Tow Layers Masks, Washable Masks, Valviferous Masks, Medicine Masks, Four Layers Masks

number of visits : 459
Date of Registration : 1400-05-25
Expiration date : 1404-05-26

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