Iran Industrial Furnaces

Iran Industrial Furnaces

Subject: Design and construction, installation of various industrial furnaces - Production of light insulation bricks and anti-acid bricks

Province: Tehran

Address: Unit 4, second floor, Building 116, in front of the Institute of Banking Sciences, between Dashtestan 7 and 8, Pasdaran St., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 22 84 61 77 ، 021 - 22 84 36 66

Fax: 021 - 22 84 88 33

More Information: This company started its activities in 1985 based on the experience of its share holders in the field of manufacture and installation of industrial furnaces .
the primary of the company was to use internal resource and it has been quite successful in the various such as metallurgy specifically steel and aluminums the ceramic industries (refractory bricks and china) chemical industries sulphur furnaces for the production of sulphuric acid.At the present time the production of all type of furnaces has been possible internally.
Iran industrial furnaces has produced light insulation bricks p130 and acid resistant bricks p155 which are at presently of the highest quality produced in Iran.
Products :
- Design manufacture installation and running of tunnel kiln furnaces for curing ceramic tiles and china
- Design manufacture installation and running of shuttle furnace
- Design manufacture installation and running of furnaces for melting glase
- Design manufacture installation and running of furnaces for burning sulphur with catalyze tower
- Design manufacture installation and running of furnaces for preheating rolling steel
- Design manufacture installation and running of heart treatment furnaces

number of visits : 410
Date of Registration : 1400-06-10
Expiration date : 1404-06-11

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داوود مختاری
1402-09-05 10:41:30
با سلام . پالت سازی مختاری آماده تحویل پالت چوبی،جعبه چوب روسی،صندوق قطعات صنعتی ، هبلکس و تراورس چوبی ریل راه آهن می باشد . 09134041081
داوود مختاری
1402-09-05 11:19:39
با سلام . پالت سازی مختاری آماده تحویل پالت چوبی،جعبه چوب روسی،صندوق قطعات صنعتی ، هبلکس و تراورس چوبی ریل راه آهن می باشد . 09134041081