Novin Ehya Co.

Novin Ehya Co.

Subject: Lubricant oils and fuel oils filtration systems producer.

Province: Tehran

Address: No. 7, Block 103, Shahrari Metalworking site and Machineries, Khavaran Industrial City, Khavaran Road, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 33 28 11 78 ، 021 - 26 20 92 27 ، 021 - 22 22 42 09

Fax: 021 - 33 28 11 78

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: Instagram : NovinEhyaco

More Information: Novin Ehya Company was established and started it’s activity in 2001, as a lubricant oils and fuel oils filtration systems producer.
Now, Novin ehya company is able to design and produce filtration systems for all kinds of industrial fluids, refinery and petrochemical processing fluids and etc.
Manufacturing types of filter elements and cartridges is also one of our abilities.
Our other activities contain training, organizing and performing different conferences and consulting services.
By creating sales engineering and R&D units, we have always worked to guarantee customer satisfaction.
Now, by supplying high quality and standard products, adequate guarantee and warrantee services, we have found very good situation at inland industries and by starting exportation to middle-east and eastern Europe, we try for global development.
Products :
- Oil Purification Systems : By pass Oil Filter, Hot Oil Flushing Systems, In Line Filters, Off Line Filtration Systems, Vacuum Dehydration systems
- Processing Fluid Filtration Systems
- Filter Elements & Air Vent Filters
- Cutting Fluid Managment Systems : Cutting Fluid Filtration Systems, OIL SKIMMER, Oily waste water Minimization Systems, OZONE GENERATOR, Ultra filtration systems
- Fuel Filter Coalescers : Liquid-Gas Filter Coalescers, Liquid-liquid Filter Coalescer The liquid-liquid Filter coa
- Fuel consumption managment system : Digital flow meter, Fuel Consumption management systems

number of visits : 405
Date of Registration : 1400-06-14
Expiration date : 1404-06-18

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