Zarif Steel Andisheh

Zarif Steel Andisheh

Subject: Producers and performers of all kinds of fences, awning metalware and steel doors

Province: Tehran

Address: between Milad 8 and Imam Khomeini Sq., Vain Town, Shahriar - IRAN

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: @zarifsteel

Mobile: 0912 - 768 85 44 ، 0939 - 908 16 73

More Information: Zarif Steel Andisheh Company is one of the most reputable manufacturers and executors of steel railings, steel guards, steel doors, steel stairs, steel bending stairs, steel stairs, prefabricated steel modular stairs, steel handrails, steel parts, fancy steel railings. , Special steel railings, Fence steel railings, 3-line steel railings, Profile steel railings, Fancy steel railings, Steel stairs, Blade steel railings, Steel space structures, Steel spider, Roof steel railings, Terrace steel railings, Bases Steel railing, steel guard plant, patterned steel stairs, simple steel stairs, steel stairs with glass protection, steel bending stairs, steel screw stairs, steel railings profiled glass profile, 4-line steel railings, Indian pool steel rails, Fence steel fence, steel pool stairs, steel bank protection, steel protection of residential and commercial steel units, steel door, fixed steel door, accordion steel door, sliding steel door in the west of Tehran province. Zarif Steel Company with years of experience in the production of various steel products has been able to improve its position not only in our beloved country, but also in neighboring countries. Delicate steel products have the highest level of quality, the best raw materials, the most beautiful designs and the latest methods in the world are used to design and implement it. Steel railings, steel guards, steel stairs, steel doors and other products of Zarif Steel Company have high resistance to moisture, sunlight and are provided with reliable support services.

number of visits : 1193
Date of Registration : 1395-10-16
Expiration date : 1404-11-07

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