Shams Shoes

Shams Shoes

Subject: Manufacturer of men’s leather shoes

Province: East Azerbaijan

Address: Sanat IV alley, Tabriz-Tehran road, Tabriz - IRAN

Phone: 041 - 35 25 60 05 ، 041 - 36 37 12 34

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: men’s shoes

More Information: Shams Shoes, a manufacturer of men’s leather shoes in Tabriz, started its activity in Tabriz in 1991 and now, after more than a quarter of a century, it has been able to produce products according to the customers’ aesthetic tastes. High quality, variety of colors, models and reasonable prices are the most important features of Shams shoe products.

number of visits : 363
Date of Registration : 1400-08-25
Expiration date : 1404-08-27

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