Sana Insulation Ind.

Sana Insulation Ind.

Subject: Production of elastomeric foam insulation,Exclusive representative of L'ISOLANTE K-FLEX Italy in IRAN

Province: Tehran

Address: 3rd floor, No. 3069, next to the ghalamestan alley, after the bagh ferdos, Vali Asr Avenue, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 22 71 35 55

Fax: 021 - 22 88 88 67

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram:

More Information: Sana Insulation Industrial Group started its activity in Iran as the exclusive representative of L'ISOLANTE K-FLEX company in Italy in the field of sales, consulting and installation of K-FLEX foam thermal and thermal insulation.
After several years of successful and effective activity, welcoming various industries and lack of knowledge and technology to produce these insulators in Iran, this company succeeded in obtaining a license to establish a factory for the production of elastomeric foam insulation from L'ISOLANTE K-FLEX company in Iran and production Started NBR - EPDM (K-FLEX) elastomeric foam insulation in Abhar city located in Zanjan province.
Products :
- Guartofen sound insulation, sheet insulation (blanket or roll) and pipe insulation, oval shoulder sound insulation, map sound insulation, adhesive, sealing tape and prefabricated joints

number of visits : 1764
Date of Registration : 1395-10-20
Expiration date : 1404-11-07

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