Ojebalabar Company

Ojebalabar Company

Subject: Manufacturer of hydraulic mobile lifts, telescopic lifts, fixed lifts, wheeled sliding ladder lifts

Province: Tehran

Address: Unit 8, Second Floor, No. 12, Daneshvar Alley, South Jamalzadeh St., Enghelab Sq., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 66 91 43 50 - 51

Fax: 021 - 66 92 39 13

More Information: Ojebalabar Company is in the field of production of various types of mobile industrial lifts with electro-hydraulic and electromechanical electric system with a practical height of 5 to 20 meters and wheel sliding ladders and fixed types of fixed loads and wheelchairs with electro-hydraulic system. And started electromechanics and all kinds of climbers. The company is under the management of Standard and the Iranian Machine and Metalworking Association and has units of engineering design, planning and control (QC) and training, providing warranty for goods and immediate after-sales service. The elevators of Ojebalabar Company are used in creating all installation, service and construction works while creating safety for users and users at different heights for the operator and speed of efficiency. This production group, using the latest technology and with its effort, innovation, talented and efficient personnel, has been able to provide its products with high quality and more than 45 types of products with different dimensions and sizes, to the users of esteemed industries. Give.
Products :
- Mobile hydraulic lift, telescopic lift, fixed lift, wheeled sliding ladder lift

number of visits : 279
Date of Registration : 1400-11-09
Expiration date : 1403-11-10

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