Farayand Pajooh Pars

Farayand Pajooh Pars

Subject: Design and manufacture of machinery for pharmaceutical, food, chemical and mineral industries such as industrial dryer, dough dryer, liquid dryer, spin flash dryer, spray dryer, rotary dryer, powder mixer, liquid mixer, tablet cutter, filter press, Chemical reactors, mixer ribbons, v-shaped mixers, hammer mills, various types of mills, sunflower seeds, condensers, condensers, extractors

Province: Tehran

Address: right shed, end of garage, Farkhondeh garage, next to Laleh town, Islamshahr - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 56 46 40 42

Fax: 021 - 56 46 40 44

Mobile: 0912 - 107 36 03

More Information: Farayand Pajooh Pars Company has a technical engineering license from the Ministry of Industry and with nearly twenty years of experience in the field of design and manufacture of machinery in the pharmaceutical, food, chemical and mining industries.
Products :
- Industrial Dryer, Dough Dryer, Liquid Dryer, Spin Flash Dryer, Spray Dryer, Rotary Dryer, Powder Mixer, Liquid Mixer, Tablet Cutter, Filter Press, Chemical Reactors, Ribbon Mixer, V-shaped Mixer, Hammer Mill, Mill Various types, sunflower seed peeler, thickener, condenser, extractor

number of visits : 382
Date of Registration : 1400-11-13
Expiration date : 1403-11-15

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