Arya Imen Fidar Co.

Arya Imen Fidar Co.

Subject: Process Safety and HSE Consultant

Province: Tehran

Address: No.4, Zanbagh Alley, Shahid Araghi St., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 91 30 94 25

Fax: 021 - 91 30 94 53

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: 0910 - 259 21 98

Mobile: 0912 - 259 21 98

More Information: Aria Imen Fidar Engineering Company (IFCO):
Provider of consulting and engineering services for process safety, HSE, emergency and crisis management, insurance risk management and organizational life continuity management -BCMS, firefighting, technical inspection, occupational health and environment
Providing specialized and operational training for process safety, BCMS and HSE in Iran and abroad, supplier of specialized equipment for safety engineering, isolation and LOTO, Karsil, conducting studies and implementing process safety management system (PSM) in process industries, system designer process safety software and platforms, conducting safety assessment engineering studies before starting up, conducting process risk identification studies such as LOPA, HAZOP, SIL, RAM, conducting human and equipment risk identification studies, determining safe distances between operational units in complexes In the process of designing refinery, petrochemical, power plant, and chemical, designing safety and firefighting systems such as F & G systems, fire and explosion protection systems, equipment shutdown and shutdown systems in emergency situations (ESD), compiling and implementing Emergency Response Plans (ERP)

number of visits : 222
Date of Registration : 1402-02-29
Expiration date : 1404-04-02

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