Nika Sanat Co.

Nika Sanat Co.

Subject: Manufacturer of welded steel fittings

Province: Tehran

Address: Nikasanat complex , No. 14 , first floor, passage 110, Ruhi alley, North Khayyam St., Shahr Park,Tehran - Iran

Phone: 021 - 33 94 33 20 ، 021 - 33 94 22 49

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: Whatsapp: 0910 165 43 99

Mobile: 0910 - 165 43 99

More Information: "Nikasanat" production-industrial group is one of the most high-quality and experienced producers in the field of gas, welding and steel fittings, relying on its technical and specialized capabilities.
And with more than 35 years of experience in the field of producing all kinds of gas fittings, including welded fittings, seam welded fittings, steel fittings, Manisman has responded to the needs of customers, institutions and companies and their informed purchase in the pipe and fittings market. .
Relying on its hardware support such as a factory with an area of 2000 meters with a covered hall, a head office located in Tehran and also providing special services to the manufacturing industries of the country on an exclusive basis, Nikasanat is trying to create a safe space in the market of steel pipes and fittings for consumers. to create
Nika Sanat production group, relying on its contracting and executive experience, is able to provide services in various fields, such as: production and supply of all kinds of steel fittings, technical consulting to industries, companies, projects and consumers.

number of visits : 260
Date of Registration : 1402-06-10
Expiration date : 1404-06-19

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