Rangdaneh Sirjan Co.

Rangdaneh Sirjan Co.

Subject: Masterbatch and Additive Manufacturer (Nano and Hygienic – food contact)

Province: Tehran

Address: RANGDANEH SIRJAN Co-#1, 1st Floor, No.24 , 8th Alley, Pakestan St., Dr. Beheshti Ave., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 88 75 06 18

Fax: 021 - 88 75 06 02

More Information: Rangdaneh Sirjan Co. is one of the most important producers in the field of pigment preparation, colour masterbatch, additive masterbatch and compound for pipe PE100, IML sheets, car and etc... (180,000 MT / year) with a excellent experience in such production in Iran. Our productions are useful for textile and plastic industries with the best qualities and can easily committee with other producers.
We have also followed all international standards, and our specialist departmetns (R&D, Engineering, Laboratory, Machine & Spares) lead of to provide every production better than before. The raw material used by Rangdaneh is supported by same forumlas used by such producers as Clariant, CIBA and BASF.
As our factory is located in special economic zone (free zone), we have excellent possibilities of importing raw materials and exporting our final products with very competitive prices and very high quality.
The technical data in our site is based on our present state of knowledge and is intended to provide general notes on our products and their users.It should not therefore be Construed as guaranteeing specific properties of the products described or their suitability for a particular application. Any existing industrial property rights must be observed. The quality of our products is guaranteed.

number of visits : 1135
Date of Registration : 1395-11-25
Expiration date : 1404-12-02

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