Adak Poshesh Sharq

Adak Poshesh Sharq

Subject: Manufacturer of gypsum tiles, false ceiling and click structure

Province: Khorasan, Razavi

Address: In the corner of Noavari 2 , Pishraft Blvd., Binaloud Industrial Town, Mashhad - IRAN

Phone: 051 - 33 56 40 82 ، 051 - 37 65 71 13 - 18

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: Instagram : @ADAK_APS

Mobile: 0915 - 205 47 81

More Information: In line with the sacred goal of job creation and domestic production, Adak Production Group has established its production units in various industries since 1375, and in 1386, it established Adak Pooshesh Sharq factory in the ceiling and false walls industry in an area of more than 5000 square meters.
Adak Pooshesh Sharq factory, by registering the export and international brand APS and trying to supply high-quality gypsum tiles and click structures, from the beginning of its activity, was noticed by the elders of the false ceiling industry, and its main production program, 24-hour production of simple and punched gypsum tiles.
Now, with pride and pride, this factory is the only factory in dear Iran that produces gypsum tiles with more than 30 different coatings and 11 punch models and about 350 items, and as the largest and best exclusive manufacturer Types of gypsum tiles are known.
In 2018, with reinvestment, Adak Pooshesh Sharq started the production line of click structures and currently it is the only plant producing click structures in Iran that produces corner products with a real width of 25 mm.

number of visits : 300
Date of Registration : 1402-06-13
Expiration date : 1404-07-13

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