Pars Zendeh Rood Plast

Pars Zendeh Rood Plast

Subject: Production of U-PVC pipes and fittings, swimming pool products, push fit products

Province: Isfahan

Address: Santagran St, Kameshcheh Industrial Area, km 25 of Isfahan Ardestan Road, Isfahan - IRAN

Phone: 031 - 45 48 88 25

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: Instagram : @parsplastco, Telegram : @parsplastco, Whatsapp: 0913 - 833 16 54

More Information: Pars Zinda Rood Plast Industrial Group was established in 1365 with the aim of producing quality products at the highest level of standards, and according to the needs of civil infrastructures and developing industries, it developed its products and gradually completed its product portfolio. and with the introduction of modern technology, it has brought its products to the highest level of quality.
Today's success of Pars Zinda Rood Plast Company has been achieved under the shadow of God's grace and with the efforts of managers and committed employees, and due to outstanding merits such as the courage of managers and the initiative of dynamic human resources.
Today, Pars Zinda Rood Plast Industrial Group is operating in 8 phases with a total area of 50,000 square meters.
Products :
- U-PVC pipes and fittings, swimming pool products, push fit products

number of visits : 306
Date of Registration : 1402-06-26
Expiration date : 1404-08-11

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