

Subject: Direct and official importer of building products and adhesives of Opera Italy - manufacturer of adhesives and building chemical products

Province: Tehran

Address: Unit 7, No. 1, 2th Bahar Alley, the beginning of South Shiraz St., Mollasadra St., Vanak Square, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 52 48 30 00 ، 021 - 88 60 32 56

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: Instagram : @dinokoll_com, Whatsapp: 0912 - 205 63 82

More Information: Decades of management, production, and sales, as well as successively gaining the position of the country’s top exporter in the leading tile and ceramic industries of Iran, such as Irana Tile , Sina Tile, Zagros Ceramics (Antique), Hafez, etc., the first producer of porcelain glazed tiles , the publication of Iran’s first specialty tile and ceramic magazine and one of the first founders of Iranian ceramic syndicate
Encouraged us to act as the first official importer of porcelain adhesives from Italy, and then, with the purchase of machinery and the collaboration of Italian companies, we became the first specialized factory of tile, ceramic, porcelain, and stone adhesives in Iran. In this regards , the name Dinokoll was determined for chemical products used in construction in Iran.
The name DINOKOLL comes from the common name DINO in Italy, which is derived from the name Dinosaur, and also from its combination with the name KOLL, which is derived from the word COLLA, which means glue in Italian.
It should be noted that the Italian car manufacturing company FERRARI has named one of it most famous cars Dino after its founder’s son’s name.
Although DINOKOLL includes all technical product building mortars, this catalog is specifically for information and a general introduction of ceramic and porcelain tile adhesive products, especially porcelain slabs and large and thick natural and artificial stones.
Products :
- Paste glue, concrete glue, latex, primer, cement cleaner, antibacterial strapping powder, ordinary tile and ceramic glues, porcelain glues, quick-setting glues, slab glues, pool glues.

number of visits : 349
Date of Registration : 1402-06-29
Expiration date : 1404-08-26

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