Setiya Sanat

Setiya Sanat

Subject: Production and distribution of all types of siphons and toilet hoses and washers for construction valves

Province: Tehran

Address: No. 14, basement floor, Fardin Nou Passage, 15 Khordad West, Galubandak, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 55 61 88 29

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: Instagram :, Telegram: @setiya_sanat, Whatsapp: 0912 - 055 45 10

Mobile: 0912 - 055 45 10 ، 0912 - 420 96 61

More Information: Setiya Sanat, after years of experience in the field of selling health and construction products, was able to start a production line with the help of God Almighty, taking into account the country's need for employment and production prosperity.
Setiya Sanat Group emphasizes on quality product production and customer orientation and will do its best to achieve this goal.
Products :
- Types of siphons and toilet hoses and washers for construction valves

number of visits : 265
Date of Registration : 1402-06-29
Expiration date : 1404-08-27

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