Taha Mfg.Ind.Co.

Taha Mfg.Ind.Co.

Subject: Manufacturer of dishwasher faucet, sink faucet, toilet faucet, bathroom faucet, shower faucet, built-in faucet, urinal faucet, toilet hose, flush tank

Province: Fars

Address: 6th floor, large industrial town, Shiraz - IRAN

Phone: 071 - 37 73 02 11 - 14

More Information: Taha Faucet Production Industries Company is the largest factory of sanitary and construction faucets in the south of the country, focusing on knowledge, technology and internal experts, all its products are under the brand "Taha Faucet" and using the most modern equipment and the latest technologies in the world. And according to international standards, it is supplied to consumers under the TUV intercert license of Germany.
Products :
- Dishwashing faucet, sink faucet, toilet faucet, bathroom faucet, bathroom shower, built-in faucets, urinal faucet, toilet hose, flush tank

number of visits : 291
Date of Registration : 1402-07-03
Expiration date : 1404-10-21

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