Tolid Noor Lighting Ind.

Tolid Noor Lighting Ind.

Subject: The leading manufacturer of lighting lights in the field of indoor lights and outdoor lights

Province: Khorasan, Razavi

Address: Plot 4, Andisheh 1/15, Phase 2, Toos Industrial Town, Mashhad - IRAN

Phone: 051 - 35 41 21 43 - 47 ، 051 - 32 23 78 01 ، 051 - 32 25 20 73

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: Instagram: @tolidnoor, Telegram: @TN724

More Information: Produk Noor Lighting Industries, with 30 years of experience in the lighting industry, operates as one of the top manufacturers of lighting lamps in the country. One of the most important strategic goals of this complex is the use of modern technology in the construction process. Currently, this complex is at the highest level of using modern machinery in the country's lighting industry, as a result of which, the manufactured products have a quality that can compete with the world's most prestigious products.
Products :
- Indoor lights, outdoor lights

number of visits : 215
Date of Registration : 1402-07-03
Expiration date : 1404-10-15

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