Marjan Fam Co.

Marjan Fam Co.

Subject: Production and distribution of ceramics

Province: Tehran

Address: Unit 204, 5th Golkhaneh Rd., Nelson Mandela Blvd.,Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 22 01 53 82

More Information: Michelangelo Buonarroti is one of the greatest and most important artists in the history of world art. He was an Italian sculptor, painter, architect and poet. Marjan Fam Company named Angelo, which is an Iranian/Italian ceramic brand, is actually trying to create a bridge between these two Iranian and Italian cultures. Our designs are inspired by natural surfaces and textures, classic and contemporary art, cultural symbols and the latest trends. Our goal is to increase market standards by producing new, high-quality and elegant ceramics so that the living environment can be functional and beautiful.

number of visits : 241
Date of Registration : 1402-07-05
Expiration date : 1404-10-06

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