Azmoon Sanat Co.

Azmoon Sanat Co.

Subject: Design and production of beam production line

Province: Tehran

Address: No. 433, 2nd floor, between Istanbul intersection and 30 Tir intersection, Jomoohri St., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 66 71 71 71 ، 021 - 66 73 86 10 ، 021 - 76 30 07 30 - 31

Fax: 021 - 66 73 83 69

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: Whatsapp: 0912 - 610 55 40

Mobile: 0912 - 610 55 40

More Information: The approach of the industry in the construction of buildings with the emergence of new construction methods using new structures, also with the aim of speeding up the construction process, strengthening, lightening, insulation with low production cost, will pave the way for the entry of production machines into the construction field. Sazi has opened. In order to advance industrial programs and encourage small and low-efficiency units to convert into large units with standard production and high efficiency, the government has also granted bank facilities, but due to sanctions, the government has purchased and set up production machinery through production. Foreign producers and manufacturers require a lot of investment, which is beyond the capacity of many small units, therefore Azmon Sanat engineering company was determined to become one of the manufacturers with the design and manufacture of such machines. put new technology (high-tech). Azmoon Sanat company, with a different view on the production and adherence to the fundamental principles of building structures, especially the publication 94 of the Building Research Center and the publication 2909 of the Standard Institute, and keeping in mind the structural culture of the Middle East, designed a joist production line with Iranian quality.

number of visits : 271
Date of Registration : 1402-07-12
Expiration date : 1404-11-20

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