Pouladan Sazeh Co.

Pouladan Sazeh Co.

Subject: Production and supply of steel frame bolts and nuts, oil-gas and petrochemical industry bolts, automotive industry bolts, marine industry bolts, including dry bolts and nuts, HV bolts, HV nuts, Master Bolt bolts, flanges, stainless steel bolts, bolts Hex, steel bolt, HV washer

Province: Tehran

Address: Unit 79, Al-Zahra Passage Negative 1, Ghaffari St., Qazvin St., South Kargar St., Tehran, IRAN

Phone: 021 - 55 42 24 41 ، 021 - 55 42 14 99

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: Telegram : @pouladansazeh

Mobile: 0939 - 322 36 07 ، 0939 - 666 61 08

More Information: Pouladan Sazeh Company was established in 1370 following a series of extensive studies and analysis of Iranian market needs for industrial washers. These things have led to the acquisition of two international certifications: ISO9001-9002 (Quality Management) and ISO 10002-2004 (Customer Satisfaction). Providing quality products under international standards has enabled Poladan Sazeh to establish a special and different position among manufacturers and factories that are aware of the sensitivity and importance of the industry.
The skill and experience of the company's management team and personnel, together with the possession of global technologies, enables us to prepare and produce various types of products in heavy volumes or through special orders with the latest modifications of globally accepted standards.
field of activity :
- Metal skeleton bolts and nuts, oil-gas and petrochemical industry bolts, automotive industry bolts, maritime industry bolts
Products :
- Dry bolts, HV bolts, HV nuts, master bolts, flanges, stainless steel bolts, hexagon bolts, steel bolts, HV washers

number of visits : 239
Date of Registration : 1402-07-19
Expiration date : 1404-05-04

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