Karen Pouya Noavar Co.

Karen Pouya Noavar Co.

Subject: Manufacturer of laboratory tables, laboratory cabinets, laboratory storage cabinets, top plates, laboratory sinks, socket base, sealing materials for laboratory table tops, laboratory table edges, chemical hood, laminar hood, arm hood, canopy hood, pathology hood, PCR hood, Walkin hood, laboratory hood filter, emergency shower and eyewash, all types of gas valves, all types of air and vacuum valves, all types of water valves, stainless steel sinks, epoxy resin sinks, polypropylene sinks, laboratory sink cups - importer and distributor of laboratory devices including Laboratory centrifuge, laboratory autoclave, mechanical stirrer, laboratory incubator, laboratory oven, laboratory oven, laboratory rotator, roller mixer, laboratory shaker, hot plate, PH meter, laboratory tube shaker, laboratory mill, temperature and humidity chamber, growth chamber, Eliza reader , temperature control system, distilled water, bain-marie, refrigerator and freezer

Province: Tehran

Address: Unit 8, No. 31, next to Shahr Bank, Chizer Square, Andarzgo St., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 22 69 60 13 ، 021 - 22 69 03 12 ، 021 - 22 24 61 13

Fax: 021 - 22 69 86 34

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: Instagram : @karenpooya, Telegram : @karenpooyanoavar, Whatsapp : 0912 - 600 91 01

More Information: Karen Pouya Noavar Company with the production brand Karen Lab by providing a completely specialized environment and with the efforts of a professional and experienced team and having expert experts and by complying with all international standards including the GMP standard and 17025 standards and having a specialized experience in production and The implementation of laboratory scaffolding and laboratory hood has shone brightly among direct producers.
Products :
- Scaffolding: laboratory tables, laboratory cabinets, laboratory storage cupboards, top plates, laboratory sinks, outlet bases, sealing materials for laboratory table tops, laboratory table edge strips
- Laboratory hood: chemical hood, laminar hood, arm hood, canopy hood, pathology hood, PCR hood, Wakin hood, laboratory hood filter
- Faucets: emergency shower and eyewash, all types of gas valves, all types of air and vacuum valves, all types of water valves
- Sink: stainless steel sink, epoxy resin sink, polypropylene sink, laboratory sink cup
- Devices: laboratory centrifuge, laboratory autoclave, mechanical stirrer, laboratory incubator, laboratory oven, laboratory furnace, laboratory rotator, roller mixer, laboratory shaker, hot plate, PH meter, laboratory tube shaker, laboratory mill, temperature and humidity chamber, growth chamber, Eliza Reader, temperature control system, distilled water, bain-marie, refrigerator and freezer
- Other equipment: laboratory glassware, laboratory chemicals, consumables, disinfectant solution

number of visits : 91
Date of Registration : 1402-07-23
Expiration date : 1404-04-28

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