Abnie Paidar Sabz Co.

Abnie Paidar Sabz Co.

Subject: Water treatment plants and wastewater treatment plants and contracting services for water and wastewater distribution, transmission and collection networks, consulting in the field of management systems and environmental impact assessment, dissolved air flotation (DAF), induction flotation (IGF) ), oil and oily wastewater treatment

Province: Tehran

Address: 2nd floor, Unit 4, No. 35, Second Alley, Shah Nazari St., Madar Square, Mirdamad Blvd., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 26 70 91 30 ، 021 - 22 26 12 33

Fax: 021 - 26 42 36 68 ، 021 - 22 26 49 93

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: Instagram : @abpsabz, Whatsapp : 0912 - 708 73 32

More Information: Abnie Paidar Sabz Company is ready to provide services in the field of water treatment plants and sewage treatment plants with the use of expert and experienced personnel and relying on the appropriate workshop capacity, having a qualification certificate from the Vice President of Strategic Planning and Supervision. Contracting of water and wastewater distribution, transmission and collection networks, as well as consulting in the field of environmental impact assessment and management systems.
Dissolved air flotation (DAF), induction flotation (IGF) and in general the treatment of oil and oily wastewaters are other specialized areas of Ebnieh Paydar Sabz Company. In addition to the above-mentioned cases, this company conducts water treatment courses such as specialized RO courses and wastewater treatment courses such as specialized courses for wastewater treatment in biological membrane reactors (MBR), oil wastewater treatment and oily wastewater treatment, treatment and Soil cleaning has a wide range of activities for students, water and sewage specialists, petrochemical complexes, refineries and power plants.
- Chemicals: Chemicals for water and wastewater treatment plants, Chemicals for steam boilers and open and closed cooling systems, Chemicals for reverse osmosis systems and Chemicals for thermal desalination.
- Wastewater treatment equipment: aerobic wastewater treatment systems, anaerobic wastewater treatment systems, membrane systems, flotation methods, physical/chemical/oxidation methods
- Water purification products: ion exchange filters, water disinfection, membrane filter, chemical injection package, hardness, filtration

number of visits : 181
Date of Registration : 1402-07-25
Expiration date : 1404-05-23

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