Subject: Manufacturer of nail and staple

Province: Lorestan

Address: Ayatolah Borujerdi Sq., Boroujerd - IRAN

Phone: 066 - 42 44 00 99

Fax: 066 - 42 44 00 99

More Information: HARDPICH Mfg. P.J.S. is a leading manufacturer of nails & staples founded in 1981.
We began our activity with producing common nails in the first years. We could extend our products to cover the wide range of nails with standard specifications and custom-made ones. Very soon through taking advantage of adroit employees and state of the art technologies ,Hardpich could conquer the high peaks of quality in nail making industry and enjoy a good reputation in the domestic market and some foreign ones to which its products have been exported.
Products :
- Common Nails :Common Nails - Smooth Shank,Common Nails - Ring Shank,Common Nails - Screw Shank
- Coil Nails : Wire Coil Nails - Smooth Shank,Wire Coil Nails - Screw Shank,Wire Coil Nails - Ring Shank
- Brad Nails : 18gauge bard nail,16Gauge Brad Nails, 14Gauge Brad Nails
- Staples
- Machine Quality Nails

number of visits : 1303
Date of Registration : 1396-01-01
Expiration date : 1404-01-15

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