Kansaran Kavir Shargh

Kansaran Kavir Shargh

Subject: Production of foundry sands and Industrial silica

Province: Tehran

Address: Unit 8,No.59,East Chahar Bagh Avenue, South Shahin Blvd.,West Hemmat Highway, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 44 48 38 11 ، 023 - 35 32 71 31

Fax: 021 - 44 44 76 04 ، 023 - 35 32 71 34

More Information: Kansarane Kavire Shargh Company
East Silica factory belongs to the manufacturing company of Kansarane Kavire Shargh with a lengthy and strong background of technical knowledge about manufacturing mineral materials especially Silica and casting Silica which was established in 1387. Complete geological scrutiny indicates the existence of rich and highly-qualified sources of sedimentary Silica in the north of Damghan. Therefore, in order to obtain the district’s rich sources of sedimentary Silica, two huge mines were purchased and the foundation of East silica factory was struck close to the aforementioned mines in 1388. Silica materials of Silica Company are a kind of natural and round sandstone which involves low corner signification factor. Existent stores of this company provide at least a five year consumption of the company. The building and installing operations were completed within 3 years and East Silica factory was exploited in 1391. Designing, building and installing the equipment of product line has been carried out by the experienced managements and experts of this industry.

number of visits : 1016
Date of Registration : 1396-01-04
Expiration date : 1404-01-15

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