Andisheh Bartar Miran

Andisheh Bartar Miran

Subject: Laboratory services

Province: Tehran

Address: No. 1, 25th Avenue, Shahid Lashkari, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 44 58 23 98 ، 021 - 44 58 23 91

Fax: 021 - 44 53 90 94

More Information: Andisheh Bartar Miran Institute was stablished in 2009 with the approach to performing applied researches, providing unique laboratory services and skill training in the field of polymer and coating. The institute began its activity in an area of 800 square meters comprising two laboratories and two workshops in the field of polymer and coating with the most advanced devices and use of the experienced and expert persons.
Andisheh Bartar Miran is a collaborative Laboratory of Organization of Standardization and Industrial Research of IRAN and is collaborated at Great national Projects which mentioned in project section.
In 2013, with the establishment of commercial unit, the company is trying to take an effective step by using its expertise and experience in supplying raw materials with specific characteristics for the manufacturers of this industry

number of visits : 592
Date of Registration : 1396-01-08
Expiration date : 1404-01-23

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