Farzan Rad Consulting Co.

Farzan Rad Consulting Co.

Subject: Supplies food ingredients and flavors to Iranian food manufacturing companies

Province: Tehran

Address: Unit 7, No 14, Parvaneh Ave, Jalal Al Ahmad Chamran Intersection, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 88 33 90 15

Fax: 021 - 88 33 90 16

More Information: Farzan Rad Consulting Co. (established 2003) is based in Tehran, Iran and supplies food ingredients and flavors to Iranian food manufacturing companies.
We provide full technical service to our customers through trained food technologists, local application lab facilities and support of our international business partners.
Expand your business in Iran :
Farzanrad Consulting Company offers the following services to companies that are planning to expand their operation in Iran. Please contact us for more details:
- Market entry feasibility study
- Regulatory approvals
- Logistic and distribution
- Local legal and tax advisory

number of visits : 1065
Date of Registration : 1396-01-20
Expiration date : 1404-02-27

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