Atak Door Co.

Atak Door Co.

Subject: Manufacturer and exporter of modern anti-theft doors, modern interior doors, lobby and anti-dam doors, pivot doors, fire doors and luxury export doors.

Province: Tehran

Address: Unit 3, 1st floor, No. 386, on Ayatollah Kashani St., corner of Agil St., Ayatollah Kashani St., Sadeghieh Square, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 48 00 00 46

Fax: 021 - 48 00 00 46

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: Instagram : @atak_door, Telegram : @atak_door

Mobile: 0919 - 397 24 34

More Information: This company started its activity in 2006 in the field of producing and importing all kinds of anti-theft and anti-damage doors with a 15-year warranty. At the beginning and at the time of starting their activity, by choosing the path and goal, they determined that they will produce only luxury quality doors. The team of Atak door experts has focused all its mentality on the basis of Iranian luxury production and for two years they have been able to produce the first anti-dilam door in Iran and the world. Atak Darb is the main manufacturer of Turkish anti-theft doors, lobby and anti-damage doors and luxury doors exported to 8 industrialized countries of the world with more than 15 years of experience in producing all kinds of doors with a guarantee of the best quality and materials.
- modern anti-theft door, modern interior door, lobby door, hinged door (pivot door), fireproof door

number of visits : 64
Date of Registration : 1402-07-28
Expiration date : 1404-05-24

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