Mahab Ghodss Consulting

Mahab Ghodss Consulting

Subject: Consulting services in the areas of water resources, dams and power plants, transportation, environment, mapping, energy

Province: Tehran

Address: #16, Takharestan Alley, Dastgerdy Avenue, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 23 96 59 64 - 65 ، 021 - 22 22 19 45

More Information: Taking pride and celebrating three decades of successful presence on national and international stages, Mahab Ghodss, as a world’s leading consulting engineering firm is moving forward and expanding into new horizons.
With our proven track record of accomplishments in more than 2000 major infrastructure projects, we offer our Clients a wide range of high quality engineering services for dams, hydropower plants, irrigation and drainage systems, river engineering, water supply and treatment plants for urban and rural areas, wastewater collection systems and recycling plants, roads, tunnels, metro, surface and ground water resources investigation, socio-economic and environmental impact assessments, photogrammetry, surveying, remote sensing and GIS. We are also expanding into new areas of engineering and clean renewable energy.
Services :
- Dam and Hydropower, Irrigation, Drainage and Agriculture
- Water Transmission System and Urban Distribution Network
- Water Resources Studies
- Water and waste water treatment and desalination
- Tunnel
- Wastewater and surface water network
- Environmental Studies, Roads, Motorways and Railroads
- Stability control, safety assessment and rehabilitation
- Land Surveying, Economic Studies, Social Studies, Wind Energy
- Solar Energy, Geothermal Energy

number of visits : 546
Date of Registration : 1396-01-20
Expiration date : 1404-02-27

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