MNI Battery Company

MNI Battery Company

Subject: Imports of batteries for industrial, medical, engineering and accessories

Province: Tehran

Address: Unit 10 , 2 nd Floor, Mina Bldg.,Corner of Saleh Alley , After Exchange Bldg ., Hafez Str .,Tehran, IRAN

Phone: 021 - 66 71 58 69 ، 021 - 66 73 42 23

Fax: 021 - 66 73 40 62

More Information: Since 1997 , our company, MNIBattery ,was established, with a well experienced personnel for distribution and sales of all kind of batteries for industrial, medical, engineering, and other usage.
In this relative short period ,with the help of our competent staff ,we have been able to capture a considerable market share in Iran.
Also our engineering department have designed and produced battery charger and tester equipment to parallel various batteries ,or to connect them in series.
Today MNI battery company is Releasing Sonikcell batteries for industrial, medical, engineering, and other usage at all over IRAN with best warranty and sales point to our customers.

number of visits : 1217
Date of Registration : 1396-02-16
Expiration date : 1404-03-09

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