Kardar Kish Co.

Kardar Kish Co.

Subject: Processing and production of coffee

Province: Tehran

Address: #20, Ebadi St., Valieasr and Dr. Beheshti Intersection, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 88 71 00 34

Fax: 021 - 88 71 85 96

More Information: Kardar Kish Co. PTY. LTD. has established in 1999. The core activities of our company is: Forest restoration and Coffee processing.
*Coffee Processing: To say kardarkish (Pendar coffee) purchases and roasts high-quality whole bean coffees is very true. That’s the essence of what we do – but it hardly tells the whole story ... Because we have been brewing our signature since 1999.Our company operates through two segments, Domestic and Kish Island. The company sources, produces, and sells approximately 90 varieties of coffee, hot cocoa, and other beverages in portion packs or traditional packaging, including whole bean and ground coffee selections in bags, and ground coffee in fractional packs.
*Forest restoration: We have commenced Forest restoration and reforestation on March 2009 in order to restoring the gaps and lines of trees in Iranian Forest. At that time we found out that Iranian forests have been heavily damaged, so reforestation can be practised with either local or exotic species. On the other hand the human society and the global economy are inextricably linked to forests. More than 70 Million Iranian people depend on forests for their livelihoods. We believe forest ecosystems play a critical role in stabilizing the climate; providing food, water, wood products, and vital medicines; and supporting much of the world’s biodiversity. So in 2010 we focused on these important issues.

number of visits : 1391
Date of Registration : 1396-02-25
Expiration date : 1404-03-04

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