Baghban Tak Co.

Baghban Tak Co.

Subject: Production of organic agricultural pesticides - the only producer of organic fungicides and bactericides in Iran

Province: Tehran

Address: Tak Building, No. 59, East Sadoughi St., higher than Keshavarz Blvd., North Jamalzadeh St., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 66 94 70 62 ، 021 - 66 59 67 46

Fax: 021 - 66 59 67 47

More Information: Baghban Tak Company started its activity in the field of production of organic agricultural pesticides in 1995. This company has been operating for many years as the only producer of organic fungicides and bactericides in Iran and its products are approved by the Organic Association of Iran.
The company's policy is to achieve healthy, organic and effective products, and we are proud that we have achieved this goal with our efforts and research.
In this field, after several years of research, for the first time in the world, we have succeeded in producing a new product called Bordeaux Fix.
All stages of production of Bordofix and the composition of Bordofu are in accordance with the laws of the European Union for the production of organic products, in which Baghban Tak Company has succeeded in receiving the ISIRI 2000 standard (production and processing of organic products). Also, Baghban Tak Company has succeeded in receiving a certificate of approval from the bio inspecta institute for the production of organic products, which, by receiving this certificate, has paved the way for the export of Bordofix as an organic fungicide to Europe.
Products :
- Bordeaux fix, Bordeaux color, Bordeaux composition (twin Bordeaux - Bordeaux color), copper sulfate

number of visits : 1745
Date of Registration : 1395-05-23
Expiration date : 1404-06-18

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