Pak Form Alborz

Pak Form Alborz

Subject: Manufacturer of all kinds of Plastic Bottles

Province: Alborz

Address: No.8, Northwest Side, 1st Square, Simin Dasht Industrial Zone, Karaj - IRAN

Phone: 026 - 36 67 00 07

Fax: 026 - 36 67 10 67

More Information: Pak Form Alborz Company, under the title of Pak Form Plast production unit in Simin Dasht Industrial Town, Karaj, has started its activities and with the help of God Almighty and with effort, perseverance and utilizing management knowledge and relying on specialized human resources, is proud to obtain satisfaction Has become its customers.
Pak Form Alborz Company is proud to have pneumatic and injection machines and accessories with the latest technology in the world with quality management systems ISO / TS29001 - ISO9001 cheap prom dresses at the service of industries and the main capital of the company is to have technical and specialized personnel.

number of visits : 784
Date of Registration : 1397-01-26
Expiration date : 1404-02-25

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