Subject: Manufacturer of Mineral and Industrial Rubber Parts

Province: Isfahan

Address: next to the Truck Owners Union, Baba Goli St., Imam Khomeini St., Isfahan - IRAN

Phone: 031 - 33 87 83 32 ، 031 - 33 87 54 55 - 57

More Information: In 1983, having started the production line of different kinds of rubber parts, Peyman Sanat Company began its first industrial activities. However, along with specializing its activities in 1995, managers decided to divide the production line of parts into different industrial fields such as Mines, Marine industries, Oil and Gas industries, Petro-chemistry, Steal, Automotive, and …. Moreover, the company has been continuing its activities as a manufacturer of rubber parts under the name of PIMCO (Peyman Sanat Mohareke Sepahan Company).
One of the most prominent products of our company is different types of Mill Liners (Lifter Bar and Shell Plate), Hydro Cyclones, Impellers, and Pump-Casings, various types of wear-resist Sheets, multiple Fenders, rubber Pistons, Coupling, heat-resist Washers, hammer-type Shock Absorbers, Arc Shock Absorbers, O-rings, and rubber lining of all parts.
Having valuable experiences in producing different rubbing parts of Mineral industries resulted in contracting with most of Lead, Zink, Iron stone, Copper, and Silica mines.
It is worth mentioning that for designing our products, especially our compounds, we have made profits from great Swedish experts` point of view.

number of visits : 743
Date of Registration : 1397-03-15
Expiration date : 1404-03-23

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