Hacoupian Co.

Hacoupian Co.

Subject: Designer and manufacturer of clothing

Province: Tehran

Address: No.24, Vafa Alley, Fajr St., Motahari St.,Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 96 62 10 00

Fax: 021 - 88 84 10 78

More Information: Hacoupian Garment Industrial Unit Company is the first and largest designer and manufacturer of all garment industry in Iran. With the launch of the third millennium technology of the garment industry in the production lines of this company, the art of sewing merged with the industry. The process of producing suits and shirts is done in Hacoupian and Noorash factories in Bumhan, Tehran. Hacoupian works with top manufacturers from Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom and Turkey to supply fabrics and raw materials for its products. From the very beginning, with the aim of increasing and guaranteeing the quality of products, Hacoupian experts are sent to various specialized fashion and clothing courses in European countries to learn the new knowledge of the clothing industry. Hacoupian uses natural fibers in the production of clothing. Garments made from natural fibers such as wool and cotton, while protecting the environment, maintaining personal hygiene and light weight, bring a feeling of comfort and relaxation to the consumer.

number of visits : 1518
Date of Registration : 1395-08-11
Expiration date : 1404-09-06

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