Faraz Baby House

Faraz Baby House

Subject: Manufacture and distribution of equipment for play centers and kindergartens, toys and educational entertainment

Province: Tehran

Address: No. 601, not far from Khosrow Crossroads, Sadeghieh First Square, Sattarkhan St., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 44 23 90 02

More Information: Faraz Baby House with two decades of activity, has been able to provide its services by attracting the satisfaction of all its customers in the field of selling equipment and supplies for kindergartens, playhouses and amusement parks, both in the country and abroad. Set up more than 10,000 centers.
The consultants of Faraz Baby House specialists with many years of experience in consulting, designing, equipping and selling playground equipment for kindergarten and playhouse, can establish and run a playhouse business in a specialized way by providing the following services to the end They will be with you:
1) Provide an explanatory plan in the form of a proposal to the customer
2) Estimating customer costs for equipping and setting up a gaming house
3) Provide a plan for the infrastructure needed for a profitable game house with a quick return on investment
4) The proposed plan is such that the return on investment is realized in the shortest time
5) All designs are completely free
6) Faraz Baby House has a price and quality guarantee, which means that the expert and experienced consultants of Faraz Orphanage will assure you that all the prices offered and the quality of all equipment and devices will be guaranteed for you.
Playground equipment:
- Polyethylene products: tables and chairs, balance products, balls and pool balls, swings and slides, Lego, cottage
- Inflatable products: ball pool, inflatable slide, rock climbing, inflatable castle, inflatable wheel
- Mechanical products: baby train, shocking, moonlight, Mary Grand
- Electrical and sports products: handball, air hockey, handix

number of visits : 597
Date of Registration : 1398-09-07
Expiration date : 1404-09-10

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