Arian Mfg.Industries

Arian Mfg.Industries

Subject: Production, supply, supply, assembly, sale of equipment, implementation of poultry and greenhouse equipment projects and providing a variety of up-to-date systems for the poultry industry

Province: West Azerbaijan

Address: Arian Manufacturing Industries, Ninth Industrial Park, Buchan Industrial Town, Buchan - IRAN

Phone: 044 - 32 39 01 70 ، 021 - 66 56 36 77

Fax: 044 - 46 23 75 00

Mobile: 0914 - 480 80 85

More Information: Arian Manufacturing Industries started its activity in 2010 in assembling and delivering various up-to-date systems for the poultry industry. Arian Manufacturing Industries, under the guidance of Engineer Soleiman Sheikhi, continues the process of founding the ideals and uses the latest technologies in the world to improve product quality and provide the best equipment needed for the poultry industry, while That this price breaks the market and manages to create acceptable competition in the poultry supplies market, this can lead to the development of domestic producers as well as the expectations and demands of customers in our beloved country and even in neighboring markets. Including the supplied countries of Iraq and Georgia.
Arian Manufacturing Industry, under the supervision of Mr. Soleiman Sheikhi, continues to improve product quality, use the latest technology in the world, develop its deployment ideals during production, supply and development by obtaining exclusive representation from reputable domestic and foreign companies.With a modern program, the best equipment needed for the poultry industry is to upgrade the scientific level of Iranian poultry farmers. During systematic planning and strategies, Arian Manufacturing Industries has expanded and activated the following units to satisfy customers and improve the quality and efficiency of its products,

number of visits : 651
Date of Registration : 1398-09-24
Expiration date : 1404-09-26

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