Subject: Offering a complete suite of digital marketing services - Internet advertising

Province: Tehran

Address: Sixth Floor, Parseh Building ( No.5 ), In front of the third Boostan, Paydar Fard St., Pasdaran, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 73 02 90 00 ، 021 - 76 25 02 44 - 7

Fax: 021 - 89 77 47 31

More Information: In the first days of 1389, we felt the need for advertising on the Internet; As a result, we decided to create a service to manage Internet advertising for the first time in Iran.
Therefore, we started working with the banner advertising method, and after gaining experience and increasing the quality, we considered different types of online advertising using CPC, CPM, CPV methods for our dear customers.
Now in 1397, AsNetwork, as a knowledge-based company, is offering a full range of digital marketing services to grow businesses.
Relying on its technical knowledge and customer orientation, InTurk has been able to be proud to work with more than 3,500 different businesses and provide a collection of the best online services for its customers.
There is a place for advertising on every website. We display your ads on websites related to your product or service and you will only pay per click (CPC) or based on a specific number of impressions (CPM). Banner advertising is an effective way to increase your traffic; Also, due to the high number of ads, this method leads to branding.

number of visits : 287
Date of Registration : 1398-10-22
Expiration date : 1403-10-23

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