Subject: Providing computer parts and accessories
Province: Tehran
Address: Unit 64, Third floor, Vali Asr Complex South Tower, Firuzeh Alley, Above the Taleghani Intersection, Vali Asr St., Tehran - IRAN
Phone: 021 - 88 93 18 48
Fax: 021 - 88 93 18 48
Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: @AsaSeller2
Mobile: 0905 - 874 75 65
More Information: Relying on your experience and trust, dear customers, Asa Rayan online store is trying to be more at your service and bring you the pleasure of easy, fast and economical review, selection and purchase.
Products and Services :
- Computer components: motherboard, CPU, RAM, power, graphics card, hard disk, DVD burner, SSD, dial-up modem, monitor, computer case, power tester.
- Accessories: mouse, keyboard, headset, headphones, speaker, mouse pad, webcam, modem, hub, external hard drive, flash memory, memory card, stylus, voice recorder, boogie board, SIM card punch device, microphone, Types of cooling, types of bags and backpacks.
- Converter, cable, splitter - Printer, scanner, fax - Laptop, tablet, book reader - Network equipment - Network storage - CCTV - Assembled computer - Video projector, screen, stand.
- UPS - Software - Laptop accessories and parts.
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