Alvand Crane Co.

Alvand Crane Co.

Subject: Production and installation of overhead and gantry cranes and material transfer systems

Province: Tehran

Address: No. 96, Kendro Lane, after Ittihad, at the beginning of Abali Road, Tehran Pars Three-way, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 77 33 58 00

Fax: 021 - 77 96 36 86

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: Whatsapp: 0912 - 138 3112

More Information: Alvand Crane Company was founded on the basis of years of continuous activity based on engineering knowledge and the application of world standards in the field of cranes such as overhead cranes and gantry cranes and other types of cranes, in addition to the engineering knowledge of its managers by employing experienced executive staff and trained in the field of building structures and mechanical equipment and electrical equipment and installation of cranes, he set the maximum satisfaction of customers as a high organizational goal and every year he has responded to a significant range of customers.
Products :
- Single bridge overhead crane, gantry crane, wall crane, double bridge overhead crane, double suspended bridge overhead crane, jib crane

number of visits : 173
Date of Registration : 1402-07-16
Expiration date : 1404-01-16

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