Arcomine Company

Arcomine Company

Subject: Production of home and kitchen appliances - Production and design of melamine and plastic utensils - Exclusive import of Magic India brand

Province: Tehran

Address: No.108, North Nabavi st., Shahr-e-Qods - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 46 86 38 00 ، 021 - 46 83 02 86 - 87

More Information: Arcomine Company started its activity in 2004 in the production of home and kitchen appliances. The main values ​​of this production unit are excellent quality and various designs. With the support of the experience of your veterans and the use of young and creative force, Arcomine was able to be recognized as a reputable name in the market and guilds. Expand the exclusive import of Magic India brand.
Products :
- Pedal laundry / laundry, bamboo fiber products, trays, baby utensils, disposable utensils, set products, wooden products, cake eating, picnic utensils, dining utensils, granite vases
- Plastics: glasses, basket clamps, pitchers, trash cans, freezer ice molds, vegetable baskets, hangers, steel scrap holders and scraps, bread holders, spoon holders, hangers, powder holders, salt shakers, spoons - jungle - knife, Coaster

number of visits : 817
Date of Registration : 1399-08-23
Expiration date : 1404-10-09

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