Tolid Malzomat Bargh Co.

Tolid Malzomat Bargh Co.

Subject: Designing and Manufacturing Electrical Equipment.

Province: Tehran

Address: #1, Mahdi Alley, Haji Pur Amir Ave., Sattarkhan Ave., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 87740

More Information: Tolid Malzoomat Bargh (TMB) was established in 1985 that is an ISO9001-2008 certified and highly experienced company in EPC projects of the industrial plants, airport and power plants which is also approved by the President Deputy Strategic Planning and Control.
TMB is one of the major companies in designing and manufacturing electrical equipment that has two factories in Iran. One factory is located in Nazar Abad Industrial Town with 14, 000 Sq.m area which designs and manufactures LV switchboards and MV switchboards. The other factory is located in Mobarakeh Isfahan Industrial Town with 8,000 sq.m area that designs and manufactures steel structures, high mast and telescopic poles.
TMB plays a significant role in national projects and it has participated in various designing and manufacturing high voltage substations ,electrical sections of BOP power plant and designing electrical systems of industrial.
Products :
Airport :
- Procurement : Terminal Equipment , Apron Equipment , Navigation Equipment .
- EPC : Airfield Lighting , Heliport Lighting , ALCMS and ILCMS Control Syetems , Passenger Boarding Bridge (PBB) .
LV and MV Switchgear :
- Medium Voltage Switchgear , Low Voltage Switchgear .
Steel Structure :
- Telescopic lighting poles , Communication structures , lightning arrester poles , Power transmission telescopic towers , Road and street lighting poles , Industrial and structural steel structures .
Lighting Equipment : Symetric Floodlight , Asymetric Floodlight , FaelLuce Lighting Systems

number of visits : 1745
Date of Registration : 1395-09-20
Expiration date : 1404-11-01

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