Barij Essence Company

Barij Essence Company

Subject: Producer of Medicine, Food, Cosmetic and Hygienic Products based on Herbal Active Ingredients

Province: Isfahan

Address: Mashade Ardehal, Kashan - IRAN

Phone: 086 - 4002 ، 021- 49921

More Information: Barij Essence Pharmaceutical Company was established in 1992 by Hossein Hejazi who has named the Father of Essence of Iran, Barij Essence is one of the largest manufacturers of herbal medicine in Iran.
Product Groups : Analgesic and Musculoskeletal,Gastrointestinal System,Glands and Cardiovascular System,Gynecology and Obstetrics,Kids,Neurology and Psychiatry,Otolaryngology,Respiratory System,Skin and Hair,Strengthening Sexual Powers,Tonic and
Appetizer,Urology,Veterinary,Weight Loss
The use of natural remedies as dietary and therapeutic supplements has increased dramatically worldwide. Barij Essential Oil Research and Development Unit was established in 2001 with the aim of creating specialized drugs and advanced research on medicinal plants and herbal medicines with a focus on producing a higher quality product and also using and emphasizing the consumption of Iranian native plants and reviving traditional Iranian medicine.

number of visits : 2482
Date of Registration : 1395-04-16
Expiration date : 1404-06-07

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