Iran Sepehr Printing

Iran Sepehr Printing

Subject: Design and printing flexible in roll

Province: Tehran

Address: No.5, 4th East Alley, Omid St., 13 km, Shahid Lashkari Highway, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 44 90 55 50 ، 021 - 44 90 53 69 ، 021 - 44 90 12 56

Fax: 021 - 43 85 12 33

More Information: With specific characteristics and the highest quality , do you want to update your current product package or need a new brand name to enter the pre – market markets ? We give you a wide range of flexible packaging , along with specific design and brand equity.
Products :
- Pillow bag, standing bag, square bag, Quattro bag, diaper bag, cup book bag, ponytail bag, sachet bag, two screw heads, Roll label, container lid, packaging IML, Tetrapack envelope, promotional bag

number of visits : 444
Date of Registration : 1399-10-03
Expiration date : 1404-10-05

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