Kavoshcom Group

Kavoshcom Group

Subject: Providing technical and engineering solutions in the fields of electronics, communication systems and information technology.

Province: Tehran

Address: No. 22, 4th st., Qanbarzadeh st., Beheshti st., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 86 04 58 61

Fax: 021- 86 04 58 64

More Information: The company was founded in 1991 by faculty member of “Sharif University of technology”. After successfully accomplishing several international projects, Kavoshcom has been one of the most active companies nationwide in providing technical and engineering solutions in the fields of electronics, communication systems and information technology.
Kavoshcom group is active in providing advanced communication and IT solutions based on GPS, RFID, mobile and other data networks. As by-products of its developments, two spin-off companies namely Afratab and Kavoshcom Asia (Contractor – GC) are established in the years 1999 and 2006. Currently, Kavoshcom R&D group utilizes the production line of Afratab Electronics Industries for mass production of its output products.
Products :
F100 GPS Tracker, KSM300 Temperature and Humidity Logger, KVL200, KVL300 Car Tracker, F300 GPS Tracker,KVL500 Car Tracker, KVL900 Fleet Management System,Kavoshcom P100 Personal Tracker,F400 GPS Tracker, F400-PLUS GPS Tracker .
Services :
2G & 3G Mobile Network Services, Data Center and Network, Mobile Repeater, Fleet Management, RFID Based Solutions, Integrated Circuit (IC), Communication & IT Systems .

number of visits : 1403
Date of Registration : 1395-09-22
Expiration date : 1404-10-21

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