Pooshesh Fam Baspar

Pooshesh Fam Baspar

Subject: Powder paint manufacturer

Province: Tehran

Address: No.8, 2nd West Alley, Babaian St., not far from Azmayesh intersection, After Tehranpars intersection, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 77 33 86 05 ، 021 - 73061

Fax: 021 - 77 96 37 15

More Information: Pooshesh Fam Baspar Company, as the first producer of powder paint in Iran, has always used its efforts to achieve the high goal of producing quality goods in accordance with the dignity and position of Iran and Iranians. Achieving the first rank of quality among domestic producers of powder paints increases our passion and responsibilities in the field of establishing quality and variety of products.
Products :
- Smooth paints, hammer paints, leather paints, sanding paints, wrinkle paints, wood and stone design paints, varnish paints, metallic paints

number of visits : 466
Date of Registration : 1399-10-16
Expiration date : 1404-10-17

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