Pooshesh Pars Mandegar

Pooshesh Pars Mandegar

Subject: Manufacturer of the best environmental - friendly coatings

Province: Tehran

Address: Unit 104, Roshd Center 2, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Research Institute, Pajoohesh Blvd., 17 km of Tehran-Karaj highway, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 44 78 71 53

Mobile: 0912 - 426 72 29

More Information: Pars Mandegar Coating Nanotechnology Company (Napcotek) in 1393, relying on its technical knowledge, which is the result of many years of research and development in the most prestigious research centers in North America and cooperation with domestic industries, including Iran Khodro Company, succeeded in producing New coating materials using zinc-aluminum flakes (chromium-free) which are known in the industry as dacromate and geometry, as well as thread lacquer has become the only producer of these products in Iran to meet the needs of the country's industries. Provide services.
By producing materials of this type of coating in the country, the country's need to import these materials is met and large amounts of foreign currency are prevented from leaving the country. Coatings applied to metals through galvanizing methods have many disadvantages, including low corrosion resistance, hydrogen brittleness, greater thickness, and non-uniformity of the coating surface. Due to the advantages of the coating method over the traditional galvanizing method, zinc-aluminum flake coatings have quickly found their place in the coating industry.

number of visits : 432
Date of Registration : 1399-12-03
Expiration date : 1403-12-06

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